The Alamo Dispatches

Thoughts and news regarding politics and current events as it relates to America and the war against terrorism.

Location: Texas

Saturday, October 30, 2004

Commandancy of the Alamo

I decided to start The Alamo Dispatches due to all the things happening around the world and those internal to the U.S. I chose the Alamo as a theme due to several running concepts.... (1) I am a Texan and whose else's dispatches are so immortalized as that of William Barret Travis, (2) we are at war with tyrants, (3) under these conditions we are now deciding the future leadership and direction of our nation, (4) to look beyond our elections to analyze the possible repercussions beyond not just the next thirty days but instead maybe years, and (5) as an American, it draws to the spirit and willingness to give of oneself, to sacrifice to a greater cause than that of an immediate satisfaction but instead for other's futures. These sacrifices are shown with the white cement crosses in other lands, the battle streamers upon our Army's flags, the soldiers and civilians who are building schools for both boys and girls to attend in foreign lands, fighting to rid them of terrorists and only in the tiniest measure the words we take time to research and write here to keep ideas alive.

Despite the choice that is made in our election, we shall still have a fight left to finish that must ultimately determine what our national character and our children's future shall be. Like the Texians, we are outnumbered..though ours is by political opinion and not at this time by international armed aggression or invasion. We face instead a new warrior class that tied to a religious ideolgy will not recognize borders nor the right of other beliefs to even coexist. We are ultimately faced with an enemy that as with the Alamo...your only choice is to fight..or surrender at their discretion. They have already demonstrated the ruthlessness of their terms with innocent people.

I can only imagine the sound of the cannon firing Travis's reply. Yet, that cannon shot is the sound that rings in my mind's eye, as my own reply of defiance to such a call for surrender, such a walk into the darkness of opression. Though the line in the sand may have only been a story, no one is really sure... I draw my own line in the sand for those of you who would cross and join in to help sound the call with these dispatches of thought and news.


I want to thank those who have always encouraged me to write, to people like Hugh Hewitt who encourage and mentor others on how to be involved, and to other bloggers who demonstrated excellent thought and content to be a shining example of what we can do to change the face of information longer limiting ourselves or others to ten second sound bites determined by media moguls or inbred news agencies.

Remember the Alamo!!